A division in apartment rights is the division of a building into independent units (apartment right). Anyone who has an apartment right has a share in a building. That share gives the right to the sole use of that particular part of the building. Moreover, the apartment right gives the right to use common areas. The share and the right of use together form the apartment right.
The relationships, rules, rights and obligations that apply to members of the VvE are laid down in the deed of demerger.
Apartment right
Split in apartment rights
Deed of Demerger
De akte van splitsing ofwel splitsingsakte wordt door de notaris opgesteld en is het juridische fundament bij de oprichting van de VvE. Deze akte ontvang je bij aankoop van jouw appartement. In de akte van splitsing staat omschreven wat gemeenschappelijke en wat privé-gedeelten zijn en welk aandeel het appartementsrecht heeft in de VvE.
In de meeste gevallen is dit aandeel gebaseerd op de grootte van het appartementsrecht. Hieraan gekoppeld zijn meestal de stemverhouding en het aandeel in de gemeenschappelijke kosten. Dus meestal geldt: hoe groter het appartement, hoe groter je stem en het aandeel in de kosten.
Model regulations
The model regulation or division regulation is a starting point. The deed of division specifies which model regulations have been declared applicable and whether amendments or additions apply. Together these are referred to as the articles of association of the VvE. This is the “constitution” of the apartment complex.
House rules
In addition to the deed of division in force and the division rules, each HOA can draw up internal rules for itself. These regulations regulate matters of a 'household' nature. This includes, for example, determining the color scheme of awnings, whether or not satellite dishes or air conditioning outdoor units are allowed, use of the communal areas and the like. However, these rules may not conflict with the law, the deed of division and the division regulations.