
The deed and the division regulations prescribe that the Association of Owners must take out collective home insurance and insurance for third-party liability in the name of the VvE. In addition, it is possible to take out other insurance policies, including legal expenses insurance and directors' and officers' liability insurance, based on a decision of the owners' meeting.


The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has taken the position that a professional Owners Association Manager who concludes or mediates or advises insurance for a HOA is subject to a license requirement.

NMG VvE Beheer has entered into a partnership with Rivez Assurantiën en Risicobeheer, so that mediation can continue to take place under the collective license of Rivez. Thanks to this cooperation, the VvE is assured of an excellent mediation process that will be tested for quality and accuracy by our cooperation partner Rivez Assurantiën & Riskbeheer. This means that your manager fully complies with the legislation introduced at the initiative of the AFM.