
At a HOA we have various types of maintenance:

Daily technical maintenance

  • Complaints maintenance refers to the repair requests made by owners as a result of a defect or failure of a common facility. Also referred to as non-planned maintenance or daily technical maintenance.
  • Damage reports concerns damage to or by communal goods and parts.
  • Contract maintenance is annually recurring maintenance for which contracts are concluded. Examples include cleaning or window cleaning and elevator maintenance. Contract maintenance is also part of daily technical maintenance.

Planned maintenance

Planned maintenance does not occur every year. The best-known examples are the exterior painting and the renewal of the roof covering.

Planned maintenance is determined on the basis of a multi-year maintenance plan (MJOP). In an MJOP an estimate is made of the maintenance that is likely to come and what it will cost. The term of an MJOP is at least 15 years. This plan is updated every five years.