No physical meetings until December 1st
Following our earlier reports and in line with the measures of the cabinet as announced in the press conference of 13 October, NMG VvE Beheer has decided not to attend any physical meetings until December 1, 2020.
This applies to both the general members' meetings and the board and committee meetings.
The health of our colleagues and of the members of the VvE always comes first. NMG VvE Beheer takes its responsibility by limiting the risks of dissemination to a minimum and is convinced that attending dozens of meetings per account manager does not contribute to this.
Voor de VvE’s waarvoor dit jaar nog een vergadering gehouden moet worden zal je accountmanager in overleg met het bestuur de opties bespreken, zijnde vergaderen met digitaal stemmen, digitaal stemmen met digitale ondersteuning (videobellen), schriftelijke besluitvorming, verzamelen van machtigingen of uitstellen tot na 01 december.
De optie van uitstellen tot na 01 december is slechts zeer beperkt en in overleg met je accountmanager mogelijk, aangezien wij slechts een beperkt aantal VvE’s in die periode kunnen draaien.
It is possible that it will become apparent that physical presence at meetings is not possible and / or desirable after December 1.
The approach will therefore be to meet digitally as much as possible, preferably with video support. Partly thanks to the possibilities that Twinq (digital voting) facilitates around digital meetings and Microsoft Teams (video calling), in our opinion, meetings with digital support are definitely a suitable alternative!
We will all have to work hard to ensure that we comply with the legal obligation to hold the annual meeting before 1 January.
If a board decides not to hold the meeting at all this year, we naturally understand this, but we note that this is in conflict with the obligations under the deed.